All Solutions

ANEST IWATA Motherson takes full responsibility of designing and executing a customised solution for the customer even if the system is being offered through our associates, system integrators or distribution network.

Paint Circulation Systems

It offers optimised paint circulation systems right from the selection of best economical pump, fect agitation to right sizing of the piping so that traveling velocity of the paint inside the pipe line can hold the paint particles binding to each other and prevent paint dust.

Painting Robots

It enables companies to automate the painting process, improving productivity, reducing manual or, and achieving higher quality finishes.

Paint Booths

It brings its world leading technology and engineering to design customised paint booths, optimized to the maximum (O-MAX) for the specific customer needs after careful study of their process requirements, substrate characteristics and space constraints. These booths are designed to be compliant to environmental regulatory requirements, backed by the globally renowned green technology of ANEST IWATA.


It provides Paint Drying Ovens / Dryers / Paint Curing Ovens or Paint Baking Oven for all the major coating requirements for both water based and solvent based paints. The paint drying ovens are designed to effectively remove moisture / solvents from coatings and adhesives in a dust free environment.

Turnkey Paint Shops

The paint shop solutions from ANEST IWATA are designed with deep understanding of the end-user requirements and are customised to give exactly the desired surface finishes as required by the customers.

Flow Coaters

We take complete turnkey paint shop projects that cover fully automated installations with painting booths, drying ovens, robots and reciprocators along with paint distribution systems.