ANEST IWATA offers optimised paint circulation systems right from the selection of best economical pump, perfect agitation to right sizing of the piping so that traveling velocity of the paint inside the pipe line can hold the paint particles binding to each other and prevent paint dust.
AIMC has a core competency in design and engineering of paint shops.
We take complete turnkey paint shop projects that cover fully automated installations with painting booths, drying ovens, robots and reciprocators along with paint distribution systems.
The paint shop solutions from ANEST IWATA are designed with deep understanding of the end-user requirements and are customised to give exactly the desired surface finishes as required by the customers.
With a long experience in painting applications and manufacturing operations in a variety of industry including automotive, electric and electronics industries, these paint shops are designed to give enhanced capacity, better economy, reduced paint consumption and reduction in VOC.
Activewith Newest Technology
How Can We Help You?
Talk to us about your existing or future needs for Compressed Air or Coating solutions